Work continues on the 4th lot of the Tecnopolo in Bologna on behalf of Cefla and the ICM Group, for the creation of a new home for supercomputer Leonardo, one of the world’s five most powerful supercomputers.
The project, totalling 55 million euros, is funded by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking and the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR), and will be managed by inter-university consortium CINECA, which represents Italy on the European supercomputing stage on behalf of the MUR. The EU, represented by Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, and Italian ministers Maria Cristina Messa and Patrizio Bianchi visited the construction site where the first network for European high-performance computing will be developed.
The project was developed by DBA PRO., Di Gregorio Associati Architetti, and Macro Design Studio.
Archest developed the executive plan for the buildings in collaboration with MJW Structures.