INFRASTRUCTURE All Bridges and viaducts Environmental solutions Geotechnics and hydraulic solutions Logistics and intermodal transport Railways Road works Sport and entertaiment San Giorgio di Nogaro Photovoltaic Park Pavia di Udine Photovoltaic Park Renewal of the ski and tourist infrastructure in the area “Sappada 2000” Qiddiya segmental viaduct Sound and safety barriers for the A4-A28-A13 highways. Remanzacco Photovoltaic Park Manzano Photovoltaic Park Arch Bridge on Aupa Creek Steel Bridge on Degano Creek Knauf Factory Road 2020 Expo “M4” motorway Viaduct, Sydney Red Line Metro Doha Hydraulic works on “Rio Malborghetto” river Environmental mitigation of a steel plant C.I.P.A.F. Railway Siding Viability in support of IKEA mall Hydraulic works of “S.S. 13 Pontebbana” “S.S. 56–305” Roads Requalification Cervignano Freight Terminal Engineering works on State Road 13 SP14 Viaduct, Salerno Aussa-Corno Railway Siding Mestre – Adria railway Bragation Bridge Works for the development of Ponte Rosso industrial area