Work to create a lift to the hill of Udine Castle has been given the go-ahead.
The Town Council’s long-awaited aim is to create a mechanised accessible link between the castle and Piazza I Maggio, thus contributing to the regeneration of Udine’s old town.
The Town Council’s long-awaited aim is to create a mechanised accessible link between the castle and Piazza I Maggio, thus contributing to the regeneration of Udine’s old town.
The technical and financial feasibility plan drawn up by Archest was approved by the City of Udine in November 2021. Following the results of the latest archaeological investigations, the green light has now been given to proceed with the next stages of planning.
The solution selected from among those proposed involves restoring one of the three air-raid shelters at the foot of the hill, lengthening the tunnel, and installing a vertical lift within a newly built shaft, which arrives directly onto the castle square. The project also includes developing the area of archaeological finds, discovered during the investigations and exploratory excavations carried out prior to the drafting of the feasibility study.