Construction work on the former Gaslini area in Monfalcone is complete.
The #socialhousing work, funded by Banca Finint and carried out by ICI Coop, was developed with the aim of improving quality of life by increasing opportunities for sharing and social integration between residents.
The three buildings are laid out over 3-4 floors with over 62 residential units. The buildings have a courtyard layout arranged around a central pedestrianised space where social and group activities take place, with rest areas, small squares and a set of “green” terraced steps which can be used as amphitheatre-style seating.
The materials chosen ensure the highest architectural standards of quality while still keeping construction costs low: exposed brickwork for the base levels facing the street and textured raw concrete for the facades facing the internal areas. The Airfloor system by Tecnostrutture was selected for the buildings.

Archest handled the authorisation plans and the architectural executive plans together with Cooprogetti Scrl, who drafted the executive plan for the systems and structures.